Klaus Ammann
Emeritus Professor
University of Bern, Switzerland
Klaus Ammann is a Professor Emeritus University of Bern, Switzerland. He is Director Botanic Garden, University of Berne 1996-2006. He is the fellow society of Biology. He is Editor, Co-Editor in journals from Elsevier, Springer and Landes and Member of scientific committees in Switzerland and Europe on biodiversity and biosafety. He was the member of swiss government’s Committee for Biosafety from 1995-2007 In 2002 Board member of Planta Europa, Chairman of the Committee of Experts on Plant Conservation of the Council of Europe from 1998 to 2004 and also involved in the preparation of the Red List of Endangered Species involved in the European area. Born in Berne, he was a member of the Swiss Federal Expert Committee for Biosafety (SECBS) and a member of the Swiss National Fund. He also worked at the Finnish Atlas Florae Europaeae Helsinki and the Greek Caryological DataBase Patras.
Research Interest
Plant Biotechnology, Biodiversity, Ecology, Transgenic Crops